Резултат с изображение за happy easter friends

In the last 5 years, Tabitha’s Easter campaign was possible thanks to the generous donation of Stichting Promotion (NL). We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Maarten Koel, who never forgets the needs of the less fortunate children in Bulgaria. The donation gave us opportunity to organize the Easter celebrations and to provide eggs, colours, Easter bread, food for the Easter dinner and goodies to all the social institutions Tabitha Bulgaria Foundation supports.


We would also like to acknowledge the commitment of  Agnes van Uchelen and  Stichting Kindertehuizen Bulgarije “geloof, hoop&liefd (NL) which has always been supportive with the Easter campaigns  and of Help Tabitha’s guidance and personal involvement of the Boitens. The execution of the project was done by Tabitha Bulgaria Foundation team.

George is paying at the casse.  Albena is counting the goods for the children .  And shopping again

Over 500 underprivileged children and 100 elderly benefited by Tabitha’s Easter campaign 2017.  We provided Easter goods for the orphanages, social complexes, CNSTs, Day Care Centers for disable children and for old people in Botevgrad, Doganovo, Dren, Dupnista, Gorski Senovets,, Mezdra, Pleven, Razliv, Roman, Samokov, Stara Zagora,  and Vratsa. We managed to cheer up the dismal existence of many children and adults in need in the Eve of Easter.

Like every year we provided to all institutions eggs, colors and stickers to decorate them, Easter bread, goodies, food, coca cola and juices. We also bought some Easter Cakes for the personnel of the institutions who were on duty on Easter. Our grannies were also not forgotten for the holy days.   Lamb meat and other alimentary were bought for the Sunday’s diner. Our days before Easter were very busy because every morning we shopped and then travelled to orphanages and homes to deliver the goods. In some homes we participated in the coloring of the eggs. The efforts were worth the joy and the smiling faces of the children

Coloring eggs is fun for the children!                Easter eggs!                        Delicious Easter bread

Tabitha’s  Easter campaign included the following social institutions:


2 BOTEVGRAD CENTRES FOR ACCOMMODATION OF DISABLED CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS (60 km off Sofia )20 young people with serious mental and physical disabilities.   The children were moved to the newly built centers from the orphanages for disabled children and young people in Vidrare and Gorski Senovets 2 years ago.

We brought them Easter bread, eggs, colors and food.

DOGANOVO HOME (about 40 km off Sofia) – 10 children, aged 7- 19.  Being close to Sofia the location of the institution has given many opportunities to the kids.

The children are happy to help with the boxes of Easter bread and to color the eggs!

DREN HOME- “JOY”, 20 children, aged 4 – 14, some with disabilities. The institution is 60 km SW off Sofia.

What a joy is to have food for Easter diner!    The children colored the eggs

DUPNITSA SOCIAL HOME – 45 children and adults 7- 19 years of age, accommodated at 2 Centers for accommodation of a family type and a social institution.

We brought them eggs, colors, Easter bread and meat and goods for b.Gjurgena

GORSKI SENOVETS DAY CARE Centre for young adults with heavy disabilities “LITTLE SUN” – 25 children, aged 12- 24. It is located 45 km off Veliko Tarnovo, NE Bulgaria. (300 km off Sofia)

The young people are coloring eggs and then enjoying Easter dances and songs

MEZDRA COMPLEX FOR SOCIAL SERVICES – for children with mental and physical disabilities, 100 km NW off Sofia ,(52 children, aged 4-21). It includes a Transitional house (8 children who are due to leave the institution and are learning life skills) and Protected house (6 young people who have left the institution and are learning social skills and professions and 3 CNSTs.

The young people from the Protected Houses are helping with the food, eggs and Easter bread.

PLEVEN INFANT HOME for Medico-Social Cares, 180 km NE off Sofia, (90 kids, aged 0-3, and some older   with heavy disabilities). They got a lot of chocolate, eggs, Easter bread, meat and purees.

Milk and Easter bread was provided. The children are enjoying the Easter holiday!

CENTRE FOR ACCOMMODATION OF a FAMILY TYPE – in Samokov, 60 km south off Sofia, 14 children, aged 8-18.

All the children used to live in Doganovo orphanage before and were very happy to see that we were helping them in Samokov now. We bought them eggs, colors, and Easter bread, meat, chocolates, salami and goodies.

The chocolate bunnies made them very happy! The kids made their own Easter bread!

RAZLIV HOME St. Ivan Rilsky– 35 children, aged 7-19 (few are slightly retarded). They were happy to receive Easter bread and colors for  the eggs. We also brought them meat for the Easter dinner and

chocolate goodies. We provide cooking lessons for the orphanage and the children had made delicious Easter Bread!

The children are happy with the Easter bread and eggs!

ROMAN COMPLEX for social services – 130 km NW off Sofia (30 children, aged

7-21, some with slight disabilities and 30 children, accommodated in 2 CNSTs and a Transitional home. Some of the children are with slight disabilities. A  Day Care Centre for 30 disabled children from Roman region.

The children got Easter bread, meat and other substantial goods for Easter! The Day Care centre made Easter Decorationс.

ROMAN CENTRES FOR ACCOMMODATION OF HADICAPPED CHILDREN (30 children with disabilities, aged 6-19). Most of the children and young people are heavily handicapped, mostly with mental disabilities.

brought them eggs, bread, goodies and they had a nice Easter feast.

STARA ZAGORA(230 km SE from Sofia–) “THEOPHANO POPOVA” HOME (35 children aged 7-19, few of them retarded). We brought them eggs, colors, chocolates and a lot of meat for the children

The children are coloring eggs and preparing for the Easter feast.

VRATZA HOME –Assen Zlatarov ,130 km NW off Sofia,(45 children, aged 7-20, 20 with slight disabilities). At the institution we have been providing literacy and psychological training.

We brought eggs, colors, food and fruit for Easter!

VRATSA – CNST for children and young adults with disabilities – 45 people,

accommodated in 4 small group houses.

We brought Easter bread, eggs and food. The children colored the eggs and made cakes.

DAY CARE CENTRE FOR OLDER PEOPLE IN ROMAN –   soup kitchen – 35 people retired people with low income.

We gave to the elderly eggs, colours and Easter bread and some chocolates to the soup kitchen

BRIDGE BETWEEN GENERATIONS – Roman Day Care Centre – 30 elderly +30 children from Roman institution. We organized an Eastern celebration for the elder people together with the children from Roman Home. The old people thought the children how to color eggs and the children performed songs and poems for them. They all sang songs’. We distributed eggs, colors and Easter Bread and chocolates to the old people.

Babas teach the children to color eggs. Then the children performed for the elderly.


STAR of HOPE – Protected house in Sofia – an apartment for 5 girls. Most of the young people who were accommodated in the apartment were brought up in the social institutions our foundation works with works. Some of the young people had participated in the educational and vocational programs we organized and thanks to the training and support they graduated from university.

The girls enjoyed excellent Easter diner. They have colored the eggs beautifully and made Easter bread.

With gratitude from Tabitha Bulgaria Team!


CNST – Centre for accommodation of a family type (small group houses) – 14 children

Transitional house – 8-10 youngsters

Complex for social services (include TSNCT, Day Care Centre, Transitional house. Some of them include children with disabilities)

The Complexes for social services for children in Roman( 2 TSNCT, Transitional house, Day care for disabled children), Day Care Centre MAX and Roman Complex for social services for disabled children (3 CNST)   the Homes for children deprived of parental cares: Doganovo, “St.Ivan Rilski” village of Razliv, “A.Zlatarov”Home and the Complex for social services in Vratsa(two Centrese for accommodation of a family type an one transitional home)   and “Teophano Popova” Homein Stara Zagor, Compelx for social services in Mezdra ( 3 TSNST and a transitional house) Homes for children with mental and physical disability: Mezdra and Gorski Senovets, a Home for babies in Pleven, three Protected houses for young people who have left the orphanages: Star of Hope ( for girls) and Mezdra,  3 Day Care Centers in Roman, Mezdra and Gorski Senovets and two Centres for accommodations in Botev-grad  and one in Samokov.
