TABITHA VOLUNTEERS -SUMMER 2017. WELL DONE GUYS! Every year in the last 17 years Tabitha Bulgaria Foundation hosts volunteers from Holland, USA and UK at the social homes in Bulgaria They help the institutions with renovations, organize art work, play games and sports, visit swimming pools with the children and enjoy each other’s company. The…
They designed hands-on opportunities to work side-by-side with children and adults on vocational training, art, and facility improvement projects. They painted some of the rooms on the 3rd floor at Vratsa Home, supported the renovation of the WC and showers on the first floor, played with the children and organized the “Show of the talents’.
15 enthusiastic volunteers visited Bulgaria for 10 days in July and renovated the living room in Razliv Home, helped the youngsters at Razliv Home and played with the kids from Gourkovo Home.
EU Mobility Project “Friendship overcomes differences” involving three activity groups under the partnership of Tabitha Bulgaria and Werkgroep Bulgarije in Wijk & Aalburg (Nl). We had more than 60 young people (Dutch and Bulgaria) learning about each others cuture, traditions, floklore. Working together their cultural differences were overcome and frendships were made. Putten group in…
The enthusiastic group of lovely teenagers with their mothers volunteered in Pleven Home for babies and also visited Roman and Razliv Homes. Members of the organization have been supporting the underprivileged kids with renovations, physiotherapists and Baba program for 3-4 years.ytl
Three artists from Colour4kids(NL) stayed in Roman Home for a week and performed many art activities with the children. The children drew portraits of themselves, made jewelries and played games. The visitors also called on Vratsa and Pleven Homes where the organization had previously made serious renovations. Stichting Kindertehuizen Bulgarije ’geloof, hoop & liefde which…